Complaint Department

I hate complaints. Don't they know that I did my best? Don't they know that with each decision that had to be made, I consulted the Big Boss Man. From schedules to snacks, from crafts to music. THere was not one decision I made by myself. it was His project, i just did some leg work.

I feel like they think I didn't do a good job, like somehow I failed, and do you know what that means? That means I failed God. When it's all over, I always feel like I am going to miss those kids, the complainers... not so much...

Certain people complained because the snacks "weren't challenging". It's a snack for crying out loud, and a juice box. Last year the kids did not get recreation, so we tried to combine it, the best of both worlds, we didn't want them to not have anything to drink for two hours... hello it's summer time, so we did recreation and a quick snack. Yeah, i know who is in charge of snacks next year, "thanks for volunteering".

They didn't like the schedule, next time, please, don't complain in front of my daughter... She is very respectful, but for crying out loud, she is MY daughter, and she is JUST like me, you are likely to get the smack down. SO, yeah, you guessed it, "thanks for volunteering to do the schedule next year". Great, now I can do something else.

You see, I have felt under attack all week, satan sent his mighty army after me, I think he sent the WHOLE stinkin' army. But I don't have to worry, God is the greatest protection I have. And in Him, I take refuge. It bugs me that they complain. It does, I know I probably shouldn't, but I take it very personally. Because what I do for the Lord, I do it with all my might and all my love for Him.

If God is on our side, who can be against us. The mountains may fall, and the skies will crumble. But nothings going to stand in our way. I guess, they can take it up with Him. I got the number, maybe i can dial it for them.


Sara said…
sending a spiritual raspberry at all complainers. they are always out there . today someone was sitting in my chair at work and when i asked her to move, she complained (even though she has her own office). so i sat on her lap. maybe you could try sitting on the next person who complains. she was pretty taken aback.
Sara said…
sit on 'em.
Margie said…
thanks God you are the greatest!! you crack me up!!
Tonya said…
I agree with Sara, if you sit on them, they will be so speechless that they will not have any words to complain with.
Mrs. Mac said…
I assume these were kids complaining. You need a good come back line like, "Do you want some cheese and crackers with your whine? Or, maybe next year your mom can be in charge." We have a whole generation of kids that are too over stimulated with videos, saturated snacks and have little left to the imagination. Next year serve popcorn and water :)
Pat said…
As long as people are breathing, people will be complaining. Do you hear God complaining? I don't think so, He's saying Margie..WELL DONE!
KayMac said…
I am w/ birmingham girl on this one!
Sara said…
sit on 'em!
tina fabulous said…
what the crap is a challenging snack?!
i wasnt aware that a juice box could present an existential quandary.
it always helps me to think of complainers as tools of satan who are trying to keep me from being awesome.
MSU gal said…
Would you like me to sit on the complainers? Just let me know where to find them!
Margie said…
Thank you all of you, you make me smile! If you see a bunch of people walking around smooshed, that would be because I sat on them.

Again, thank you!

And Mrs. Mac, not kids... adults...
Sara said…
excuse me, is this the complaint department? because i have a complaint. we need a new post!!