Wisdom... AH... To be smart...

I always ask questions. I hate to be stupid. If I don't know something because I never had the opportunity to learn it, well, that's not my fault. But if I have the opportunity to ask a question and I don't ask... STUPID STUPID STUPID.

There are many instants that this happens. In a bible study... I don't know much about the bible compared to a lot of my brothers and sisters, but I always ask. In my head, I think of the questions and I think that satan whispers "they'll think you're stupid". My answer is the always the same "If I don't ask, and someday the find out I wanted to ask a question, they WILL think I'm stupid".

It's the same at work. If I don't know or understand, I keep asking until I do. But I didn't one time... And it bit me (right in the butt) HARD.

When I started at my job, my customer was Toyota. There are so many lessons we can learn from Toyota that can carry out into our lives. (Sorry for you who love the Ford,GM,or DCX- but that's why they are doing so well). They ask "why?" until they are satisfied and the issue is resolved, there are no more "why's" to ask.

Low and behold... God tells us in that "handy" book He gives us for everyday living (Basic Instructs Before Leaving Earth). God wants us to ask for wisdom, He wants us to be smart in His Word. He wants us to grow, He wants us to learn His word so we can "go make disciples", He wants us to see how He can make us strong when we are weak so we can help others. Is there a book that can teach you more than the Bible? Is there a life better than the one in Christ?

The answer my friends (and those who don't like me) that answer is a Big FAT NOPE.

James 1:5 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
