Ambulance Chaser

My grandmother was a fire truck chaser. I think she loved to see the heroes rescuing people. It made her proud that her son was a police officer AND a firefighter. Her daughter is a nurse. Even her daughter in law is a nurse. Her other son, my dad, works on computers, but he's in the Coast Guard Auxilary. All of them help others.

I had a dream last night that I was in a meeting with our VP and an ambulance went by (we were having some high level meeting in the street of a neighborhood (I know it's weird). I immediatly, in my dream, started to pray. I do that, when I am awake. I never pass up a moment to pray for someone. I sometimes am walking to a meeting, driving in the car, walking down the street, praying. I always figure you can never pray too much.

I guess my grandma's firetruck chasing has even descended down to me to. I even chase them in my dreams with prayer.

Acts 1:14 They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.


Sara said…
what a great analogy!