I don’t really deserve anything. It is only by God’s grace and love for me that I have anything. But I have everything, at least the way I look at it.
I have a house that from the day I looked at it, I knew it was mine. I have a daughter who is wonderful, a daughter who is all the good I am. Who has lessons to learn, just as I did, and do. I have a great job, and great friends, and a great family.
I don’t deserve any of it. But I will tell you this, I take the gifts I have very seriously. I want to be the best daughter I can be (though my poor father – knows I fall very short). I want to be the best friend, cousin, niece, I can be.
With all my blessings and gifts from above, there is one that is heads above the rest. Phyllis.
I always want to be the best treat mom (many baseball cupcakes and cookies have been made), the mom who is in the front row, the mom who can provide favorite meals, the clothes she wants (within reason), the mom who tells the doctors “you’re wrong” when they don’t have HER best interests at heart, the mom that she can sit on the toilet while I take a bath and tell me her triumphs and short falls, and knows that I will listen, be proud, and pray with her to get through them all. I want to be the mom, that is her mom first, and then her friend, one she knows she can count on. One who teaches her great lessons, and is open to the ones she has taught and will continue to teach me.
Above all, I want to be the mom that God looks down and says, “I knew I could trust you with My precious gift”.
2 Cor 6:10 10 sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything