For one of my last classes I had to write a paper about all the papers
I have written at Baker College, completely dumb, I know.
Part of this was my acknowledgement page, a few things I have added.
I would like to acknowledge so many people who helped me complete
this degree, I could have never done it alone.
As He is first in my life, I would like to thank God to whom
all things are possible. Without His strength, and His wisdom,
I could have never completed this awesome task.
Ms. Phyllis, you are number one in my life,
and I think this has been a learning experience for both of
us. You are the greatest daughter one could ever have hoped for.
Dad, wow, you have supported me through this whole process.
There is no way I could have ever done this without you.
It's been a long journey, its not over yet, but the view
has been spectacular.
Christie, you are my best friend, your love and support through
all of this has been amazing. Thank you for helping me to keep
it all in the right perspective.
Pam, you were the one who helped me decide to do this.
I can't believe I'm done, I didn't think it would ever
get here.
Michelle, your support and friendship mean the world to me.
You started as my boss, but ended up my friend.
You are amazing. Everyday I work a little harder
to be like you.
Carole, my partner in Stats, and many others.I cannot believe you are not completing this with me on
paper, but you are always in my heart.
I don't know how I got through it without you.
I will be praying for you.
My brothers and sisters in Christ, your prayers
have lifted me up, I could have never made it without you.
I love you.
To the kids and Youth Leaders at Driven. You are AWESOME!
You are all so special to me, and I could have never
imagined the awesomeness that God has put in my
life with you! You keep me young, I learn so much more from you
than I could have ever imagined. You stretch me and help
me to be Brave. I love you all so much!!
Romans 8:28 God works for all those who love Him.