Christian does not equal hypocrite.

A lot of people tell me that Christians are hypocrites. I say we're not perfect, we're saved.

Grace. What would we do without grace. I know I am not perfect, I have a whole list of things that I want to work on to get closer to God because I will never be perfect. As I have said before, actions speak louder than words. So how do people act like they're a virgin, when they have sex? How do people act like they are so sweet but say mean, rude things in a happy voice (they're really not fooling anyone - they're still rude and mean), how do they act like they only want to be married, they don't care about the wedding but say (after everyone telling them you're beautiful) "you're not giving me enough compliments - I don't feel beautiful", how do people steal, lie, cheat but say that they're life if centered around Christ? Steal from the church, or at least allow it to happen? We've seen it before, it's the sad story of good pastors gone bad, it seems like those the ones that Satan gets out there for the world to see.

I truly understand we're not perfect, but what kind of example does set for those who watch us waiting for us to fail just so they can say "see, I told you so!"

I know that Christ lives in my heart, not those people, but it infuriates me that people act like they are perfect. I love people like Sara, Kaymac, Pat (and so on) that say, "I'm working on it everyday, I'm saved by the Grace of God". I know that's not a direct quote, but they are real, they will bring people to Christ and He will work on their hearts, but they are a good example. It's Grace, because if we got what we deserved, WE'D be hanging on the cross, and we still wouldn't get to Heaven. It's Grace. It's the blood of Jesus.

A wonderful, great friend said to us in Sunday School "Sometimes we're the only Bible people read". I'm not going to lie, it blew me away. By Grace I have been saved, a million times, I know where my center is, and I am the first to admit that there are a million and one things I need to work on. But today, I am asking, "Dear Lord, help me to show them my imperfections and let me show them how much I need You, and let me be real to them. AMEN"

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. —Romans 3:23-24


KayMac said…
You have reminded me to be gracious even as I have received grace...thanks.
Pat said…
There's nothing worse then a 'holier then thou' hypocrite is there? Ok, I need to get a grip here because I don't think being angry and judging is on God's top 10 list either! Thanks to post's like yours, you help keep us real..keep up the good work.
thanks for mentioning me in your list of people you like, I'm more then flattered and even more unworthy...God Bless!
Margie said…
You and those mentioned are a true example of how to be, real. Mistakes, and corrections, and recorrections and knowing that we are small, He is everything. You teach me everyday. And I hope your headache is better, I'm praying.