It was a great day yesterday. I went over and had lunch with Jim & Tonya and Grace (Tonya talked me out of going to work). Gotta love that little munchkin, she’s finally warming up to me! Woo Hoo!! Then to the fruit market, you gotta check out Eureka Farm Market if you haven’t already, it is awesome! Then to have coffee with Becky, well, I had tea. Orange… Yum! And then to see Becky’s porch… very cool. I would have stayed longer… but the dog! UGH! Got the message that my CDs and $100 are on their way to me! Finally, took a big threat that would have been a promise, but they are on their way (and for the record, don’t try to steal anything from me, I don’t play nice). I am one happy girl. Then it was home, worked in the yard. My drunk neighbor’s hollered at me (in a funny way), one guy who converted from Catholism to Jewishness… tried to convince me that Christ wasn’t a Savior. Whatever dude, go have another drink. I don’t know what I am supposed to say to stuff like that… but he was drunk, so I didn’t waste my time. Tried to tell me that it’s all because of Paul that people think Jesus was a Savior, ok, go have 2 drinks. I worked on my schpeal for Wednesday, I sent it to Sara for review, I hope I don’t embarrass myself or God. At least I know the music will be good. It all came together. Then I watched “Remember”. What a great movie, I've seen it a million times, and I always cry. I am so glad I learned at a young age that color or race doesn’t matter, it’s what’s on the inside that matters. Thanks God for another phenomenal day. You ROCK …
Psalm 9:1 I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders
Heavenly Gracious Father, thank you so much for giving us all spiritual gifts to serve You. Things we enjoy, things that make our hearts burst with Your love. Please give the kids that awesome feeling of serving so their hearts will be overloaded with Your Love. In Jesus' Name I pray. AMEN!