I guess God does keep teaching us the same lesson until we learn it…

The word of God spoke…

I asked in the beginning of last week for God to speak to me. Oh, yeah, He spoke all right… “Shut up Margie, you can’t hear me if you are talking”. Yeah, big revelation that is, teachers have been saying that for decades and funny, I have said it to kids.

I went to two different churches today. My home church, and then to Metro, my semi-home church (is there such a thing?). Today Julie (FBC) talked about when God is MIA in our lives. It was really good, gave me some different perspective. I related to a lot of what she was saying.

Then I went to Metro. I don’t know what it is, maybe cuz it’s so big, I have no worries about opening up raising my hands in the air and singing and worshipping. But I did it, I opened my heart and as always, God did a big number on me.

There were two things that Jeremy spoke of.

Being real as a parent, correcting our kids when they need correcting. I was also struggling with this… Been worried a lot about keeping Miss P in check. Wondering if I was doing the right thing. Yes, I knew I was, but it’s hard being the mom. Yeah, God spoke right to me, Thanks Pastor Jeremy. Don’t want kids (kid) like Eli’s holy moly, prostitution right outside the temple. I think you can get in big trouble for that…

Pastor Jeremy also talked about being quiet and listening to God speak to us. I haven’t been quiet lately, I’ve done a lot of everything else, being busy, listening to music, and NOT SHUTTING UP. Psalm 46:10 is one of my favorites. Be still and know I am God.

I haven’t been still, I haven’t been quiet, I’ve been doing a lot of crying out… and no listening. Waiting for God to come clean up my messes. I know that’s not what it’s about. And mostly, it’s not about me! DUH! Say it with me! “DUH!”

I don’t know why, I am amazed at what God does in my life. I’m a jerk for probably not saying “thank You” enough. I’m a jerk for talking to much. I’ll shut up now.

Be still and know I am God – Psalm 46:10

"Speak, for your servant is listening." – 1 Samuel 3:10



I like your blog. I know some habits are hard to break but I am proud that you and God are working it out.

I was a single mom too and it is very hard. I will put you on my prayer list.


MSU gal said…
I am worried for the B-girl's future. I know she is only six but I hate to think of how things will be when she becomes a teen. I worry all the time for all our kids in this world.
Sara said…
church was so awesome, huh margie? i could've stayed all day and i hated to leave. there is no fear for our children's future if we are the parents God intends us to be. i don't worry about the children; i worry about the parents. miss p. will be just fine. she will be greaty and mighty in HIM.
Tonya said…
Jeremy did do an awesome job on Sunday!