This year, as most of you know... things are a little tight in the financial department. Now, trust me, my being tight means we eat, we pay bills, we live in a wonderful house... but there is not a lot for extras. Christmas is here, and money is accounted for the few people I am buying for... but here's my dilemma...
What do I do about Christmas cards? You think this is not a big deal, but it is for me. I am known in some circles as the card lady. I actually already have the cards (bought them in July for like $2/box) but to send out to my list (it's 200 families) that equates to about $80 in stamps. Now, I know what you are thinking... 200 families?! but if I send to this person, then I have to send to that person, there is NOT one person I could cut without feeling more guilty then I already do...
SO! What do I do? to send or not to send, that is the question? If I say a prayer for each person on the list how will they know? (that's actually what I do with each card- I say a little prayer for them) and then put the stamp on... Got any ideas?
As to saying a prayer for the person and them not knowing about it, well, the Important One does know about it whether the prayees do or not.
Also, if it's in your heart to send cards, use as many e-cards as you can to save on postage, there are a slew of sites, including Hallmark, that offer free e-cards.
For folks in your area code, how about a phone call instead of a card. Or maybe a collective cider and crackers party for them all.
But, pay no attention to me. Maybe I'm a misanthrope but I don't know 200 people in this whole world!
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