
I struggle a lot with getting what I (or other people deserve). Most of the time, thankfully, I don't get what I deserve. It wouldn't be pretty. But lately, I seem to be surrounded by a lot of people who think the deserve more.

It's not by our own actions that we get to have eternal life. That's an easy one. I don't deserve it but God sent Jesus to save us. By His grace, we've been saved.

But in everyday life, doing the job that is one or two or sometimes even three levels above us. We want that promotion. I struggle because sometimes I have low self esteem and I think I must have done something that someone thought I didn't "deserve" that promotion.

I live with a 'Millenial", that's the generation of today, the one after the Gen X'ers. This generation has been coddled, and given a lot of stuff, a lot of their parents don't make them earn what they need. I am on the fence of this, Phyllis has to earn somethings but just last night, she thought that I should ask Adam if her friend (boy) could attend the Fuel event on Saturday. He's in 9th grade. I won't even ask. You know why? because it's not fair. It's not fair that there are other 9th graders who would want to come, but can't because they are no longer in the Fuel age range, they can't. Phyllis (my perception here) thinks that since she hasn't seen said boy that she deserves for him to be able to come, let's just say our day ended in a slammed door (and i was the one who slammed it).

I work with people who in my mind, don't prove that they can do the next step, but they think they should get the next step without working for it. They see a job as fun, and maybe even more rewarding but really they don't see how much work it is. I wonder, when they look at me, do they think it's fun (if they do, they need new glasses), I like my job, no doubt about it, but it's a lot of work and there is a lot of pressure, and I take work home, I miss life group, but that is the way it goes, and truth be told, I wonder... do I deserve to have this wonderful job? Probably not, but I don't think grace is just about eternal life, I think, that grace is in our everyday lives. Because while accepting Jesus as your savior is a great thing, and eternal life and paradise will be awesome, I think having Him live in our everyday lives is just as important.

Do I deserve most of what I have? Probably not, and I think I am ok with that.

I think I rambled an entire post...

Acts 15:11 We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are."


Heather Smith said…
I'm so glad that Jesus didn't give me what I deserved! Though I'm undeserving, He gave me everything!!
Jada's Gigi said…
I'm with Heather

Thank God we don't get what we deserve!
Grace Grace Grace!!!
KayMac said…
Ditto. Last night at Journey, we read from Colassians 1 together. The following verses in particular just jumped out at me. Just the thought of Jesus presenting me to His Father, holy, blameless, and above reproach, when I am know full well how undeserving of that I am...brought me to tears.

13 He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins....21 And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, 22 he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,
Mrs. Mac said…
Last night's Bible study was about Ananias and Sapphira ... boy, we all deserve what they got ... instant death ... but by the grace of God, he lets us live because we have trusted in His Son. I'm glad for eternal life, cuz I'd be so doornail dead right about now!
Pat said…
If most of us got what we deserved, most of us would be lacking or punished! I'm so thankful that Gods love and grace and that His son's dying on the cross says I'm deserving.
I don't think you rambles one little bit.