I was wondering...

I was thinking about yesterday. I was wondering why God had me pray over those kids. I mean I so enjoyed it, but I wonder, He already knew their heart, He already knows what they need. He doesn't need me to do that. hmmmm...

Another great mystery in The Plan.


KayMac said…
Prayer is a wonderful mystery. I have thought about the same kinds of things. I have heard it said that prayer is God's way of inviting us into His plans, purposes, and will.

I am sure that the things God whispered in your ear about each of those kids will translate into living love that you pour out on them!
Pat said…
God only knows the answers to so many of our questions. Obedience is what he asked and obedience is what you gave.
Sara said…
sometimes we need to do the praying as much as the other person needs the praying for. you've been struggling with this ministry and you finally had that God moment where you clearly felt your place. i think that's why. he showed you YOUR heart. it's a very pretty heart indeed. xos
Mrs. Mac said…
God's reason for us to pray for someone/thing is not always for us to understand ... he just requires obedience.