
We went and saw Freedom Writers with Hilary Swank for Phyllis’s birthday. Great movie, go see it. For real, go see it. Go see it before noon at MJR and it’s only $4 per ticket.

It’s a movie about a teacher who wants to make a difference, to get the kids, to reach them, prior to their making their court appearances. It’s about a teacher who loves the kids.

Here is my theory, kids have less of a shot in life if they don’t believe that someone loves them. Think of how many problems in life can be managed if you just know someone loves you. Think how much better it is when you know that God loves you, that even if you were the only one, Jesus still would have gotten on that Cross.

Let me tell you a secret. I guess it won’t be a secret if I tell you… but what the heck, right?

I had been praying about how to serve at Metro. A couple of times I thought I would be good at something, but the “position” was already filled. And I kept coming back to the same place. Youth. You know those teenagers. I never said a word, mostly because I thought they wouldn’t want me. I am not a Mexican Jumping Bean, I am not innovative, I am old (compared to the other leaders) and so I was too scared to say anything. All I have is the love for the kids, and that I know they need to be loved. I scrapbook and cook. Whew, somehow I don’t think that those are on the top 10 list for kids. Really. But I love. And I love BIG. When I hug you, you know I love you. You know that when I say it, I mean it. But anyways, Phyllis was IMing with Mark, and he said something like I should be a leader, “there are a lot of girls who need someone to love them”. I told her to tell him to talk to Adam and that I would be interested. I dismissed it because I didn’t think they would want me. And I got an email from Adam, asking me if I would be interested. The answer “Yes”. Didn’t take long to answer because my heart already knew the answer.

I am a little scared. OK, I am really scared. You see, I am so honored to serve God, and He is so big and I am so small. What if I don’t do it good enough? I think of so many songs that DCB has done, Glorious and Wholly Yours. I can’t fail because it’s all His, and I am His. All I can say is that I am Wholly Yours. And to the throne I come. Broken and full of dirt. Thank You God for giving David Crowder the words that my heart can sing. I am wholly Yours and I am Glorious.

Wholly Yours – David Crowder

I am full of earth

You are heaven’s worth

I am stained with dirt,

prone to depravity

You are everything

that is bright and clean

The antonym for me

You are divinity

But a certain sign of grace is this

From the broken earth flowers come up

Pushing through the dirt

You are holy, holy, holy

All heaven cries

“Holy, holy God”

You are holy, holy, holy

I want to be holy like You are

You are everything that is bright and clean

And You’re covering me with Your majesty

And the truest sign of grace was this

From wounded hands redemption fell down

Liberating man

You are holy, holy, holy

All heaven cries “Holy, holy God”

You are holy, holy, holyI want to be holy like You are

But the harder I try the more clearly can I feel

The depth of our fall and the weight of it all

And so this might could be the most impossible thing

Your grandness in me making me clean

Glory, hallelujah

Glory, glory, hallelujah

So here I am, all of me

Finally everything

Wholly, wholly, whollyI am wholly, wholly

I am wholly, wholly, whollyYours

I am full of earth and dirt and You


Sara said…
that songs gets me every time. this is know, a whole generation of girls has just been saved by love, yours.
KayMac said…
Can't wait to hear all the stories of how God is using you in the lives of kids...Awesome!

Love this song, also.