what to do today

Phyllis is having oral surgery today, so that means I have to be home all day with her. There are a lot of things that get neglected when it comes to cleaning. I have one closet when I don't know what to do with something... goes in there, and it's overflowing with junk... so today it's getting cleaned out. Yesterday I got a head start and cleaned out the medicine cabinet (had something in there that expired in 2005) and my makeup drawer. So today I am going to do some deep cleaning today. I actually don't mind cleaning because it gives me some time to clean out my insides too. I usually spend a lot of that time talking to God or worshipping to a great CD.

That's what's on the agenda... some deep cleaning, inside and out


KayMac said…
sounds good!
Pat said…
Hope you're doing well Phyllis!
What a great way to spend a snowy day inside...taking care of business! I'd probably curl up with a book and blanket and waste the entire day!
Sara said…
how's miss phyl feeling? been praying. and i'm just a little jealous that you got to stay home!
Margie said…
she's knocked out on the couch, the procedure they were supposed to do got postponed 6 months because there wasn't enough room to pull the tooth out and stick it back in, BUT they thought that one tooth was going to come down but hasn't moved in 2 years... so they put a chain on that bad boy and are going to pull him down instead... what should have cost me $500 out of pocket will now cost me $1000. the whole reason for this is because her mouth didn't grow when her teeth came in when she had arthritis. What a blessing though because a lot of times the teeth don't come in... so kids with JRA have baby teeth and no big teeth or their teeth are jacked up more than Phyllis's
Margie said…
oh... and i made homemade chicky noodle soup, homemade mac & cheese, finished my Fuel Valentines (I made them homemade) & cleaned.
Margie said…
I'm sorry all these comments on my own blog... what a nerd...

The doctor just called. Can i tell you that in a day and age where compassion seems to be fleeting, when people are just too busy, and this man does not need the money, it took me two months to get an appointment, he called to see how Phyllis is at 7:55PM. May God bless him, now I'm weepy
Mrs. Mac said…
Hope your lovely girl feels better in a day or two. The yellow type today really hurt my nearly elderly eyes girl!
Jada's Gigi said…
Good idea! I'd love a day at home with nothign but cleaning on my list.:)
Heather Smith said…
I hope Phyllis did well with the surgery and that you got things cleaned out well!
KayMac said…
awww, loved that the doc called to check on phyllis. hope she is feeling ok.
tina fabulous said…
aside from the fact that i am now going to have nightmares involving teeth chains, i'm glad shes doing okay!
if this were ancient times, none of us would have any teeth left right now.