I was at the Subway today (I went to a different one than usual) and there was a guy standing outside asking for money. I told him I would catch him on my way out. Then another guy comes in trying to sell me some crap, apparently I look like I am the giving kind (they are right). So I tell the guy I don't want his stuff, here's a $1.
The woman at the table was like "that was nice of you". Do I think they are going to buy something nutritional with that money? Probably not. But you know what? that's not for me to decide. I try to remember that every blessing is from above, and who am I to keep it for myself. I gave a couple of bucks away. Big deal.
But you know, sometimes I am kind of stingy with giving my money up. I'm not talking about being frugal, I am talking about helping others. Sometimes, I will give up my last $1 and sometimes, I have a pocket full and will not give it up because they might use it to buy something else. You know what? I'm a jerk. What they do with the money is not my concern. Who the heck am I to judge them. Why because my addictions are 'legal' or easier kept behind closed doors? That's nuts.
I needed to check my gut. It's not my money anyway. It all belongs to God, because all blessings come from above.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Gen 1:1