I know I already posted today, you can read it below if you want.
If you are from the Detroit area and happened to turn on the news yesterday, you heard about the guy who shot 3 people, killing one woman. He lost his wife a couple of weeks ago, his finances are spinning downward, and then, he loses his job last week. He's educated but I think he lost hope (that's my intrepation, not anyone elses).
As hard as it seems to fathom, I can completely understand how he must have felt. Someone must be to blame for it. He fell into a pit. Falling in there could have been his fault, maybe he was pushed, but he wanted out, and that's the only way he saw a way.
Feeling as if I am in a pit right now, and doing my best to put some branches over the pit opening and hiding it the best I could, it sucks. There's one way out. Jesus extends His arm and pulls us out.
Why am I in a pit right now? Well, I am at work, and I don't feel like fixing my makeup AGAIN today, so just trust me on this one, it was partly self shoving into the pit, and partly someone shoving me in and inadvertenly pushing all my insecurities right on top of me, keeping me in there longer. I'm fitting to get out. And it's not easy. Ever been in a pit? It sucks.
I got a new book, Beth Moore, Get out of the Pit. I've been known to buy a book because I like the title, and for no other reason. It came out in January, and I have had it about that long but hadn't started reading it. Thankfully, God had it waiting for me just when I would be ready.
I don't know about you, but a lot of times with me, something is bothering me, it's something deeply rooted, but seems to something on the surface. I know that about myself, and I keep asking "why" until I can't answer it anymore.
I don't know if there really is a point here. Maybe I just typed this out to get my thoughts in order, I do that a lot. I won't lose hope. Pray for that poor guy who seems to have lost everything, and when he's down on his knees, I pray He looks up, and there is Jesus with His arm extended, going to help him out of his pit.
Romans 15:13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.