I know yesterday was her birthday, I took her a present early, just some coffee & an African Violet to put in her window (she probably thought it was hocky but my Gram always had one in her window).
I met Sara at P&P. We met at a time when I had so much conflict in my life that most people would have run (really fast) as far away from me as they could (and to be honest, I still always have something going on that is probably annoying). She sat with me in Opa Opa and we cried over greek salad (her) and coneys (me). And then somehow we became friends and as she calls it "posse".
If i was to buy her stuff to show my love for her, I'd have to fill the sky with balloons, I'd have to turn lake erie into coffee (even though parts of it already look like it), and I would have to make enough cookies to fill Ford Field. I'd have to plant enough flowers to cover the state of michigan (maybe Texas), and I'd change all the words in the dictionary to I love you Sara..
But instead, I snuck into the life group she was leading, just in time for cake, and celebrated with her.
Happy Birthday, one day late, Sara. I love you. I'm so glad we're sisters!!
It's no surprise to me that one of the last things your gram said to you was that she "loved loving you". Think on those words, let them be your last thoughts as you lay down to sleep after a very trying week.
By the way, we love loving you too.