Romans 1:16 It's news I'm most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God's powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else! God's way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along: "The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives."
Music always seems to be in my heart. A song can resonate to places I didn't even know needed to be touched. I could hear a song I've heard a million times and be brought to my knees when I hear the song the 1,000,001 time.
God uses music to get to my heart so I will let go, and call out for His rescue.
I've been feeling uneasy, actually for quite some time know but it's rising to the surface. It can't be held back too much longer, I think the series of events that have transpired over the last month or so are causing this to happen. It doesn't matter, things need to be dealt with sometimes.
Some people do not like Mondays, I love Mondays, Mondays mean Fuel. Fuel = kids = love (can you have 2 equal signs in the same equation?) Kids can teach you more about love than you can imagine, but your heart needs to be open to it.
I show up at Fuel late for the meeting in the beginning because of the church move, usually right about the time they are praying. There are somethings in our lives that we just can't control, and traffic is one of them. Yesterday, after a long, exhausting day, I "showed up" I was ready, and in great need of loving on some kids. (funny, I thought I was supposed to help them, not the other way around) We did worship first, which is not how we usually do it, usually worship is close to last, but I got filled up, to the rim, in worship, I opened my heart wide open and would have been on my knees if I didn't have to do words, "God, take it all, make me more like You, less likely to let the stress of my life take over, Lord, I need You, You are the ONLY thing that can save me. It's You Lord, HELP ME!!" And so I opened up, and did something COMPLETELY out of character. I needed to do something completely out of character, I let Mac pour syrup on my head! We had a contest and our team could get 10,000 points for the Fuel Explosion Team if a girl leader did it, and so I didn't want the high school leader to have to do it because she does so much already. So I did it. (Please note, Mac tried to blind me with that syrup).
I let God use me in a very unexpected way (at least for me). There will be pictures later.
We all have our gifts, I am the uber-anal administrative, cooking baking, keep the kids safe, mom-type one. But yesterday, God gave me the gift of just being silly. He rescued me from the world and all it's troubles today (and from myself), He is amazing.
Jer 50:33 And here's more from God-of-the-Angel-Armies: "The people of Israel are beaten down, the people of Judah along with them. Their oppressors have them in a grip of steel. They won't let go. But the Rescuer is strong: God-of-the-Angel-Armies. Yes, I will take their side, I'll come to their rescue.
Who You Are - Desperation Band
I won't be satisfied
I wont be found alright til I find who You are
I'd climb every mountain
I'd travel the deepest valley
to find who You areYou,
You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything and that is who You are
You, You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything and that is who You are
I won't be satisfiedI wont be found alright til I find
who You are
I'd climb every mountain I'd travel the deepest valley to find who You are
You, You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything and that is who You are
You, You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything and that is who You are
You, You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything and that is who You areYou,
You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything and that is who You are
That is who You are
My savior
my healer
that is who You are
my maker
my father
That is who You are
That is who You are
Music always seems to be in my heart. A song can resonate to places I didn't even know needed to be touched. I could hear a song I've heard a million times and be brought to my knees when I hear the song the 1,000,001 time.

I've been feeling uneasy, actually for quite some time know but it's rising to the surface. It can't be held back too much longer, I think the series of events that have transpired over the last month or so are causing this to happen. It doesn't matter, things need to be dealt with sometimes.
Some people do not like Mondays, I love Mondays, Mondays mean Fuel. Fuel = kids = love (can you have 2 equal signs in the same equation?) Kids can teach you more about love than you can imagine, but your heart needs to be open to it.
I show up at Fuel late for the meeting in the beginning because of the church move, usually right about the time they are praying. There are somethings in our lives that we just can't control, and traffic is one of them. Yesterday, after a long, exhausting day, I "showed up" I was ready, and in great need of loving on some kids. (funny, I thought I was supposed to help them, not the other way around) We did worship first, which is not how we usually do it, usually worship is close to last, but I got filled up, to the rim, in worship, I opened my heart wide open and would have been on my knees if I didn't have to do words, "God, take it all, make me more like You, less likely to let the stress of my life take over, Lord, I need You, You are the ONLY thing that can save me. It's You Lord, HELP ME!!" And so I opened up, and did something COMPLETELY out of character. I needed to do something completely out of character, I let Mac pour syrup on my head! We had a contest and our team could get 10,000 points for the Fuel Explosion Team if a girl leader did it, and so I didn't want the high school leader to have to do it because she does so much already. So I did it. (Please note, Mac tried to blind me with that syrup).

We all have our gifts, I am the uber-anal administrative, cooking baking, keep the kids safe, mom-type one. But yesterday, God gave me the gift of just being silly. He rescued me from the world and all it's troubles today (and from myself), He is amazing.
Jer 50:33 And here's more from God-of-the-Angel-Armies: "The people of Israel are beaten down, the people of Judah along with them. Their oppressors have them in a grip of steel. They won't let go. But the Rescuer is strong: God-of-the-Angel-Armies. Yes, I will take their side, I'll come to their rescue.
Who You Are - Desperation Band
I won't be satisfied
I wont be found alright til I find who You are
I'd climb every mountain
I'd travel the deepest valley
to find who You areYou,
You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything and that is who You are
You, You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything and that is who You are
I won't be satisfiedI wont be found alright til I find
who You are
I'd climb every mountain I'd travel the deepest valley to find who You are
You, You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything and that is who You are
You, You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything and that is who You are
You, You cause the lame to walk
You open lips to talk
You're everything and that is who You areYou,
You calm the storms at night
You turn the dark to light
You're everything and that is who You are
That is who You are
My savior
my healer
that is who You are
my maker
my father
That is who You are
That is who You are
I think that paragraph you wrote described me to a "T". It's healing to be silly isn't it?
I've heard that a Christian needs to be ready to preach, pray or die at a moment's notice.
Looking forward to those photos.