All I'm sayin'

I've learned a few things in my old age(ha!) mostly because I have made the same mistake over and over...

I don't argue about Jesus. I just don't. I don't think that Jesus would look down and be cheering "woo-hooo, round one goes to Margie". Ask me a question, if I know the answer I'll tell you. Ask me what I believe, again, I'll tell you. But I don't argue, debate, or fight about Jesus.

No good can come of it. Today, someone argued (tried to) my belief in predestination or lack there of (not telling you what I believe unless you ask). I apparently didn't have the same belief or, lack there of, as her.

I told her I wasn't going to discuss it with her. And she continued! Finally, I turned away and she walked away. Thank God.

If you are arguing or discussing loudly, I don't believe you are asking or trying to teach with the right spirit. And you should, as Jessie Brown says, "stop being a jerk, and pray".
