
Sara's post, well, actually the scripture she chose (or was chosen for her depending on your perspective) makes me laugh sometimes.

You know sometimes I wish i had different gifts. I would love to be able to touch the kids' hearts like Adam does, or lead worship like Nate, Katie, John, Jimmy, Jim. I wish, I wish...

Alas, I got the "mom" gifts. On Sunday's I show up to Alive with food. 2 weeks ago it was Chicken Pot Pie, salad, fruit, & broccoli. Last week it was some spaghetti concoction & apple crisp. And i try to have a dish full for Adam & Katie to bring home for their busy weeks. Someday I hope to own my own resturaunt. I want to name it something about sheep. Because Katie says she always thinks of me and that verse "feed my sheep".

I love to cook. I love to make something that will nourish our bodies and our souls. One day we were cooking (ok, I was watching) ribs at Grace Centers of Hope and Keith and I were talking and the most important ingredient you can ever cook with? Love. Sometimes I think it's that extra care that we put in that makes it tastes extra good. I can cook. And as some say, I can burn. it's some expression. But I can, I can cook. I love to, been doing it for a long time. There isn't a gift I enjoy passing on more than cooking.

John 21:16-17 16Again Jesus said, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me?" He answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Take care of my sheep."
17 The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.


Mrs. Mac said…
You and food ;) Wish I lived closer so we could spend time in the kitchen together. What a great gift! (cooking)
KayMac said…
Ok, I am inviting myself over to your house for dinner. I am not that great of a cook...I am sad to admit that I once burned hard-boiled egges. Put them on the stove and went back to bed. My friend made me laugh when he said, "You mean to tell me that you BURNED WATER??!!!"
Pat said…
When you open that restaurant, I'll be your first customer!
Where would the world be without people like you with "Mom gifts"...a pretty sad place I'm sure!