It's no secret that I want to be married, though after seeing some of the stuff in my office, I wonder why. The big joke is that I am going to marry Chris Tomlin, go on tour as a Woman of Faith Speaker, and he will lead worship, and Dean will play bass for him. How cool would that be? Chances are pretty slim, but you never know what God can do :)
But seriously, I want a love that when you look at it, can only be pointed to one thing... God. I want a great story. Like I met him at church, we served together, and fell in love. We found love in a place of God. Or that I met him volunteering, a way that only God could have lead us together. Or something silly like that. Meeting in a bar is not going to happen, because I don't go to bars, and most white knights don't hang out at bars because there is no where for them to park their horse.
I know that marriage is hard work. But I also know that its something ordained by God. I think the hardest part is that we (people in general) are very selfish. I still can't figure out why God gave us that quality... but there must be a reason, some day, I'm asking Him.
Besides... besides all that love, I want someone to take out the garbage. I hate that chore!
Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. (Especially if its me :) )