
There are days when I am just overcome. Overcome by a lot of things.

Sometimes its depression or sadness, and sometimes I am overcome with anger, and sometimes I am overwhelmed with love and greatfulness.

Today I am overcome with greatfulness. I stand (or sit or type, whatever) before you thinking to myself how God has blessed me today. I wrote on that post it note "please God" that's it I tell you. And today, answered prayers. Overcoming with a God who handled it all. Who handles it all.

You have may have some idea how hard it was to watch your baby in pain, to have a doctor tell you "it might be menengitis but we won't do a spinal tap until it's absolutely necessary". I can tell you that those years back, I wouldn't say that I look at them fondly, but I look at them with a greatful heart "I've come a long way baby" but I really didn't do much, God did all of it.

One time Phyllis was "in a flare" and my dad got a viral infection in his blood, the lining of his brain swelled and he was in the hospital for a week. I seriously thought I was going to be on "funny floor" in a straight jacket.

I think how I didn't quite grasp the amazingness of God. How I certainly didn't follow Him, and a few times He may have even felt slapped in the face. And I think now how great He is and how I adore Him. And I am sorry I didn't see Him sooner.

And I am overcome with love, I have been overcome by Jesus.

John 16:33 33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."


Sara said…
He adores you. and happy dec 4 to phyl! satan is such a jerk.