Last night Elizabeth went out for dinner, we had date night :) It was kind of funny because as a mom, I don't usually pick where I want to eat, sure I might make a suggestion, but usually I pick where someone else wants to go because I want everyone to be happy and well-fed. Elizabeth must do the same thing because it took us 3 days to figure out where to eat. We went to Dolce Vita in Riverview and it was very very yummy, we ate so much, we actually had to pass on dessert (now that's full). The food was good, but honestly, being there with my friend, not thinking about anything except the things we're thankful for, the things we struggle with, and in all of it, we were thankful that we both had a friend that we can be open and honest with, and that we both just love each other. It's a wierd thing, but I think we bring out the beautiful in each other.
We sat and talked and drank iced tea and laughed and loved.
Col 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
I love Dolce Vita - it's one of my favorites and I haven't been there in a long time. Now I need to go.
Next time, get dessert to go!
Her name is Nicole, she might've been your waitress!
Pat's right, next time try dessert!
Glad you had a relaxing time... what better... good friend, good food, good comversation!
I love you!
Oh, and next time, dessert for sure!