Basement drains

I have always had an issue with water and my drain, since the 2nd month I moved into my house, over 6 years ago. I watch it like a hawk. Usually in the spring I need it snaked out, it’s a ritual, kind of like a yearly PAP , preventative measures.

I was thinking on Sunday, I probably should have it done soon. Another thing I was stressing about on Sunday.

The last couple days we’ve had quite a bit of rain. This morning I walked down to the basement to get a shirt…

And you know what?

No water.

Oh, thank You Jesus.

I can only imagine the breakdown I would have had if my basement was full of water.

Oh… God is good.

Psalm 6:6 6 I am worn out from groaning;
all night long I flood my bed with weeping
and drench my couch with tears.


Pat said…
There's a ray of sunshine!
I've never had water in my basement, oh yes I did - one time many, many years ago. It's not one bit pleasant.
KayMac said…
thankful right along with you!