If i ran the zoo

I went to the zoo yesterday. I had the day to myself, so I used it for myself to do what I wanted to do. And i will admit, there were things I should have done, but I didn't. I did what I wanted to do.

I had lunch with Phyllis and we showed up to Six Star and my dad & step mom were there, so we had lunch with them too which was a welcomed treat. I dropped Phyllis off at rehearsal for the musical. I've heard so much about selling gold and i had a few things that I was never going to wear again, so I decided to take it in. I thought I'd get $20, I got $140 which as great! And off to the zoo I went, because of my new found money and my love of the zoo, I bought an annual zoo pass. After the zoo... Walmart for a handful of items (I purposely did not get a cart so I wouldn't spend to much), and then... Starbucks. For Wild Orange Tea, wrote a letter, read my book, I was there about an hour and a half. It was WONDERFUL. Took my donations to the thrift store, got a few things, even something for babies Dorband! Then I came home and chilled and fell asleep on the couch.

I'm feeling so much better, feel like I'm ready to join the world again after getting on my vitamin regimen that was put together by my doctor. More energy and just feel all around better!

Praise the Lord!!

Psalm 64:10 Let the righteous rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him; let all the upright in heart praise him!


Pat said…
Sounds like a perfect day, one you really needed. Now you're all refreshed to face another week. Have a good one!
A Heart after His said…
That is so awesome to take a day for yourself! It sounded wonderful! I think I need to do that soon lol!