Home Projects - Be Patient!

My kitchen construction is done! Hallelujah! PRAISE THE LORD! I’ve got a few things that need t o be finished in the whole update.

Tile for the backsplash
Patch holes in the wall
Painting the house
Living Room
Dining Room

Before any of that can happen I’ve got to do some deep cleaning. My carpets need to be cleaned, walls washed, so on and so forth.

I’ve had one person come to give me an estimate for painting about 3 weeks ago, still waiting for the estimate. I’ve also got 3 more people coming to give me an estimate. There are a few things I learned from my construction project. One being that if it takes a long time to get the estimate… how long will it take for the project to be completed? And the other is daily communication about what is going to be done and how far the project will come along each day. I believe that my project could have been done within 6-7 days (working) instead of the 11 days (working) it took if I would have communicated my wishes and expectations. And I should have known because it took a little over a week to get an estimate.

Anyway, I’m excited to get this whole project done, but what scares me is that I have NO idea how much the painting is gonna cost me. I might have to save til July… But if I do this correctly, it will be worth the wait!  Besides I have to remember that its been this ugly for eight years, what's a couple more months!!

Gal 6:9 And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint. (amp)


I know jealousy is bad but as much as I cook I would so love a new kitchen!!! =) ... Enjoy, that's awesome!