week in review

This week was crazy like every other week...  as always random thoughts from this week...

Thank you for texting me and saying 'good morning beautiful' I was feeling a lot less than beautiful, and you really were Jesus to me in a real way this morning

spring awakening was great, spending time with Phyllis so much better!

Crazy logic does not work on me, because logic can't be crazy...

I can't believe the lilac bush is so big and already blooming

garden or no garden

i wish you understood how unimportant you make me feel

why can't our house stay clean

am i really going to try to make homemade biscuits, I must be nuts


i wish i could just paint this joint myself, this is way too overwhelming and making me feel like a failure

i feel like the only reason they say i'm great is because i do stuff for them, and them not even noticing i was in the room was just wonderful

fruit of the spirit

i know why people don't like church (when I say this, I don't mean mine, I mean in general)

disappointed that you didn't do the prayer labrinth

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i wish i could just cry all this pain away and let Jesus repair this hurt, i can... just gotta let go

i think i'm crazy

my faith is in You
