Obragada (Thank You)

Its an amazing thing the way God grabs your heart. As I drove through the town of Sao Paulo I couldn’t help but be heart broken by what I saw. I didn’t see any children and I think that God intended it that way because I am quite sure, if possible, I would have emptied my suitcase and got as many as I could in my suitcase and brought them home.

It was absolutely amazing the conditions the people here live in. As I sit in the VIP lounge thinking about how ‘broke’ we are and I should not ever say that again. I think even on our poorest of days, we were not poor. I found out that minimum wage here is about $1.50/hour, there is no welfare, there is no unemployment. If you need to eat, you need to work. I was so saddened by what I saw, and I only saw two hours of it as I drove through the city.

And it sickened me to think I was complaining about the hotel that had two twin beds, it looked like some of the housing I saw was as big as my hotel room, and I bet there were FAMILIES living there, while I just spread my stuff out all over the place. I am a jerk.

It makes me so greatful to be born where and when I was. I makes me greatful that I had not only the opportunity to go to college but truly greatful that someone else paid for it (my employers). How greatful am I that I have health insurance so that when my daughter has a chronic disease (JRA) we have the opportunity to go to the doctor, we have the funds to pay for insurance, and co-pays. Let me never forget Lord. NEVER. Let me be thankful that I can arrive home, and go to Panera to get an iced tea. Let me be thankful that I can probably eat on the food in our freezer, fridge, and pantry. And I probably threw out enough food before I left to feed one of those families, living in those tiny houses for a couple days. Let me never forget to be thankful. Obragada ( thank you) Jesus for your constant provision in my life. OBRAGADA! Let me never forget to be thankful! Let me never forget that God is a God of provision, He, most importantly, provided a way for me, and everyone I love to have eternal life. He provides for me daily in millions of ways, from the first breath I take as I wake to all those in between until the next morning, food, and water, and clean EVERYTHING. Amazing. But by the grace of God go I. One decision away from a mess. Lord, Obragada. Thank You.

It’s a scary prayer, but break my heart for what breaks Yours, but also make a way that I can love like You, that even as one person, I can make a difference, that I will be a chain of love, linked to You. I don’t just want to have a broken heart, I want to do something about it.

I don’t know what that looks like, will I someday adopt? Domestically or overseas. Will I just adopted kids that are around by loving them? Will I love those who are considered my peers or the elderly or the homeless? Let me hear Your voice Lord, let me hear what You have in mind. Walk every step before me, making a way of love, and leaving a path of love in my wake.

Dear God, never let me forget what You’ve done from the cross. The way that You made a way, because I couldn’t earn it. I couldn’t do enough good. I need You Lord, through everything, You made a way.

I thin k of the song ‘Savior King’. I love You Lord, I worship You, Hope which was lost, now stands renewed.

I worship You, Lord. What does that look like? In my words and in my actions. What does that look like? And I’m sorry to say, it probably doesn’t look that way now. But Lord, I’m thankful for You, I’m thankful for what You’ve done. And I love You.

You made a way, when there was no other way. Obragada.


Sara said…
really beautiful thoughts sister. and really, the thoughts and words that always come from your heart. mac said years and years ago; no one who has cable is allowed to call themselves poor! we have no idea, do we? love you.