Welcome to the Crazy-ness of it all!

The busy-ness of my mind is just as crazy as my life. Welcome to Randomness.
I don’t think I sat down yesterday for a minute. Well maybe one.
Went to the gym
Got ready for church
Running around getting breakfast, getting ready, left late for the gym, left late from the gym, which meant I had to rush to church, I had this crazy anxiety of being chased down Woodward again. Made sure I had $1 in my pocket in case crazy guy was there, please note, I will at least have 4 quarters in my pocket just in case that guy is there.
As I ran up the stairs, dropped my sunglasses, which is not the end of the world, but when you’re rushing its just like ‘ugh’ so I drop off a ‘regift’ to someone who I know will enjoy the gift more than me, she was excited even when I told her that it was a regift, but I knew she’d enjoy it. That’s a friend! As I was looking for a seat (packed house at RCDetroit) Erika came up to me and asked me if I was ok, yes, I’m just flustered. She asked if she could pray for me, I almost said no. How stupid is that? Almost… I did say yes, it seemed to really calm my soul. Worship was awesome, I was speaking to God, and HE WAS SPEAKING TO ME! Its crazy all these dreams that are in my head! Running on African Dirt. Seeing Rwanda in person not in pictures. Kissing babies and loving people, and wondering when I am going to open the bakery, I finally did get a name! I am not sure. God is doing some great things in my heart these days, obedience, trust, faith, love. WOW! I even chose not to argue a couple times even though I could have, I just didn’t want to! That’s crazy! Crazy good. I just thought ‘I’ve got too much joy to argue besides, I don’t think it will change things, just pray, God will handle it’.
Planned out dinners for the week, even cooked a bunch of it, so all it has to do is be heated or make the side dishes and dinner will be served. On the menu this week:
Shephard’s Pie
Chicken and Veggies with Tortellini
Yesterday we had chicken, mashed potatoes, and this summer green beens
Man, I am just amazed at the way God is speaking to me, everything from love, to eat in, cook at home, you are provided for. Also about really enjoying my life. Going to plan a couple trips around the state this summer, maybe for only a day or two, but going to see the beauty that’s around. For sure going to get to Frankenmuth, can you believe? Phyllis has never been there??
Ok, that’s it for the randomness in my brain! Enjoy your week!
Proverbs 10:12 12 Hatred stirs up conflict,
but love covers over all wrongs.
