Really? Amazing. Really!

Today I went to church, I can never remember the name of the songs we sing now, but this one part 'deliver me from the evil one'.

its not the big stuff that gets me.  Or at least it doesn't seem big, but it can end big if I don't know to stop it.

I prayed and prayed.  Leave me alone, God, deliver me from this evil one.

Felt kind of alone today, not because of anything anyone did, just felt that way. 

What do You want me to do?  I start listing stuff off... nothing. 

I want you to serve me in little ways, with all your heart.  But how will I know?  The opportunities will arise


So all of a sudden its 2:40, I've got less than an hour before Marissa comes to get me for cake class.  Should I take the stew over to BH or wait till... who knows when I am going to have time.  So I load up the car.  Run it over there.  As I am walking out, this guy says 'well, at least you have pretty feet' to tell you the truth, I thought he was being a pervert.  I did.  Not nice.  I looked down.  This girl had sandels.  I asked her if she needed shoes...  'I could use some'.  'Ok I'll see what I can do'.  I'm thinking, I could give her my blue tennis shoes.  You know what God says?? No. 
I had to go buy her shoes.  Right then. Ran over to payless, bought the girl some shoes (and socks) and went back and dropped them off. 
I only had $25. But it was just enough.
I wanted to cry. 

Not because she needed shoes (though that should be reason enough).
Not because I have 20 pairs of shoes (though that should be reason enough, too)

Because He chose me.
He chose me to serve, both the beautiful girl, and Him.
He chose me to die for.

Because of love.

Matthew 25:40 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


Stacy said…