
My daughter has arthritis. And I am not at all happy about it. Not at all.

Osteo Arthritis is one of those things that you really can’t do much about. I am not happy about that either.

We cancelled our trip to NY. Not happy. I wanted to go, but mostly, I wanted my daughter to be able to go.

I know there are worse things. I know it. And I’m not happy about those either.

But right now, this is OUR worse thing.

I walk around trying to be positive, but let me tell you something…


I trust God, I know He can heal her. It would really great if He would. Now.

I’ve had enough, but I’ll never give up hope. NEVER. I will take hope to my grave with me.

I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what you can do for me. I just need something. And thankfully at the pile of those needs, I have Jesus. And right now, it’s all I need.

Romans 5:3-5 3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.


Stacy said…
Praising God that your hope is in Him!! One of my favorite verses!! You're a great mom, but God is an even greater Father...He loves you and Phyllis, Margie. I believe in miracles, and I know you do too! NOTHING is out of the ability of what God can do! I pray that you continue to believe! Love you!
Stacy said…
With that being said, I'm so sorry that Phyllis is hurting.
And that you are too.
Debra said…
I'm so sorry you and your daughter are going through this!

I hope you will read all you can about osteo arthritis at Dr. Mercola's website and Dr. Don Colbert's site, as well. Never believe there's not much that can be done! It's amazing how God can heal us through making huge lifestyle changes and both of these doctors have seen peoples' lives changed by the thousands, usually without having to rely upon med's, either.

Hang in there! Things will get better in time..... Debra
Jada's Gigi said…
Water...lots of it helps as does fish oil....so sorry Phyllis and you are hurting!
Trish said…
Praying and sending hugs to you and Phyllis!