It's the end of day one...

I hope that for the next two weeks (until I go back to the doctor) my life and my blog doesn't revolve around my cast but right now it does...  so here's what I've learned (somethings I already knew).

**Two friends were willing to take you out to the grocery store in the rain, at 8PM because they love me.  That's love.Instead, Phyllis took me.
**Kroger floors are slippery when wet... almost fell.  Riding in those carts is not as easy as it looks.  And don't take them for joy rides... people really do need them.
**People who don't walk around quoting scripture saying they love Jesus offer more to help you than people who do...  that really shocked me...  I mean I know people are busy... but if the world knows us by our love... I think we may be in trouble. This for sure has hit me, let this be a lesson to me... walk the walk...  (I didn't even mean to be funny).
**I asked for help a lot today... water, lunch, grocery store, holding doors, taking out the garbage. It was hard to ask but it sure made life easier.
**All those times I said my daughter was helpful and great... she's walking my talk these past couple days.
**I realized I can't make dinner.  I'm wired to be a caregiver and a provider, it's hard to unwire that... I can ask for help... I can ask for help... I can ask for help...  or I can eat out :)
**A good rollie office chair can get me around the house quite well, way better than crutching or crawling.
**This is temporary
**There is joy in all circumstances... because God is good

It is well with my soul...


Pat said…
Being "disabled" for a time is sure an eye opener, and asking for and accepting help is very hard for me. Praying your foot heals really fast and your out there kicking up some of your special kind of love!!