Saturday Ramblings

The people who are the happiest are giving…

2 Cor 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver

I have learned that when I am giving I am the happiest.

Whether it’s my time or my money… whatever it is, giving is when I am happiest. It’s funny when I give, I receive way more.

A lot of people think I need to take more “me time” or do something for myself… but It just seems that I do enough things for myself but I feel like I do enough for myself. I feel like when I can help someone else, I am part of something much bigger than myself. What does our lives mean if we don’t give to others.

an awesome morning!
I know that people love me and want me to be happy or that they think that I’ll never meet “someone” if I don’t make time for it. I have to say that I truly believe that God will bring me the right person, and they will love me and be involved in the same things I love or maybe we will discover something to love together. But I know that it will be centered around one thing, Jesus and giving.

You know what makes me upset, like puking upset? I’m tired of people trying to tell me all the things I’m not good at. I wonder if they think that somehow that’s helping me or I wonder if them cutting me down makes them feel better about themselves. Yesterday that happened, and I ended up having the longest puking spell I have had in about a month… a half hour. I don’t even know why I took this person’s opinion into consideration into the way I think about myself.

I think there is a way to help people the best they can be and not tear them down. Personally, I know that I can chew someone up and spit them out. But I just don’t want to do that. I want people to know they are loved and cherished, not the choices they make or the flaws others see in them. God has written “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you” (Song of Songs 4:7) so I think that I am going to do all I can to look at others like Jesus does, and love them like that. Help others to see the beauty that God has created in them. I feel like even in myself, I have lost some of my “sparkle” and I am hoping that I will find it again in myself… I miss my own sparkle, and I always want to see it in others.

Pictures… looking at pictures of myself and others… even if someone has a smile, it doesn’t mean that they are happy. Look into the eyes of people and see their happiness or the emptiness. Been looking at pictures and it makes me said when I see shells of people. I feel like people need love, and sparkle in their eyes no matter if they have a smile or not on their face.

I think our lives are a song that God sings to us… this song reminded me of that. And maybe it’s because I love music so much, and so many different songs are the soundtrack to my life, and I try to do my best to live like Jesus, true love.

OH… and it looks like I might be going to New York in May too!! Praying God opens the door!

PS. I still believe I was the lucky one… I’ve got heart… and music…

Stories of passion
Stories of friendship
and tales of how romance survives
I have so many songs

Stories of yes-es
of frogs making messes
and poor unsuccessful and fat people's lives

Stories of living
Stories of dying
and ways we can deal with our fear
Stories of horses, parental divorces
and how rich or poor, it's a very small sphere
where we appear

But you gotta have heart and music
Heart and music
Heart and music get along

You gotta have heart and music
You gotta have heart and music
Heart and music make a song

If I only had the time
What I would write for your delight

Stories of illness
Stories of illness
Songs of improving
Songs of improving

And everyone talks about change
I have so many songs
Stories of stillness,
of people not moving

And throwing out books when things turn out too strange
We rearrange
But you gotta have heart and music
Heart and music

Heart and music get along (you gotta have heart and music)
You gotta have heart and music
You gotta have heart and music

Heart and music make a song
Heart and music make
Heart and music make
Heart and music make a song

Heart and music make a song


Deb said…
Just do what you are called to do - and don't worry about what anybody else thinks. :)