Experiencing peace

I've never experienced anything like what happened today. I think I started to think I should get stressed out but I wasn't. I have no plan but God will work it out.

Here's the deal, we make booklets for our winter retreat and something happened and they can't be printed... Yet. I think I may have a way but I'm not entirely sure yet. Not having a plan is a little stressful but I've got 8 more days. I'm thankful I didn't wait until the last minute for all the other things I needed to do.
I have this incredible peace.
It's weird.
Really weird.

I am choosing tomorrow evening to work on these books. Hopefully it works out. Then I can print on Saturday.

I totally get the words to the song "it is well"
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say...



Never felt that way before!!

So good!!!

Thank You Jesus !!!!


Kristin said…
So glad that you aren't allowing this to cause you stress and praying that all the details will be worked out!! :)