Book Giveaway!!!

I've been wanting to have a book give away!  And quite honestly I've had quite a day, and I refuse to leave the balance on the side of evil, so I'm doing something nice!

I'm giving a book away!!! I've got a great book for you!!  It's by Holley Gerth

I'm so blessed to be part of the God Sized Dream Team and I'd love to share this great book with you!

Here are the rules! 

Tell me your God sized dream!  And remember, even if you think it might be ridiculous, or someone else might think it's ridiculous, there are millionaires walking around who thought up the Chia Pet, and the pet rock!  People probably thought Katie was a little crazy or even Mother Teresa (and they are amazing!!!!)! 

Dream away!  Drawing will be Monday, March 18, at 8PM EDST. 

Good luck and dream big!!!  God's got great plans for you!!


Unknown said…
Margie I woke up this morning with this on my heart. What is my God sized dream? Well when we were driving thru the city last night, my heart broke. It is breaking beyond belief. The devastation, the sadness, the darkness. That area was once flourishing. I am too young to ever have seen it in it's glory, but I'm praying that maybe one day it will return, but with Jesus' glory I feel as though I live in a bubble. Too blind to see things sometimes. Too scared to move in situations like that. And definitely overwhelmed with the idea, especially where to start. May God move big, as He always does, bringing the city back one inch at a time, one soul at a time. May His love spread like wild fire, eradicating the darkness once and for all!
Margie said…
Love it Sam!! I believe Jesus is moving!!! I'm always so happy to share the city with you!!!
Momma said…
I want to adopt a baby boy! :) That is the one most prevalent right now. :) That and some day I would like to share my heart with other women. Not exactly sure how but just feel like I want to encourage other women to follow Christ, love their husbands and stay sane as a momma!
Catie Zeman said…
I finally had time to sit at the computer and read the link that I clicked on hours ago, not realizing that I would need to put some thought into it :) Then it hit me, too many of us rush around in life and do not give God the time he deserves and desires of us. My prayer is that one by one, we start to realize this and make HIM a priority, praising HIM and showing the world that our GOD is bigger than anything they have to do in a day and any problem they may encounter. Changing the world, one soul at a time...
Margie said…
So awesome!!!!
Margie said…
Because your dreams are soooo awesome!!

You're all winners!!!