
There’s a lot of things I don’t know in this world.

I don’t know when I will go to Haiti for 6 months, I don’t even know the details of what I’ll do.

I have lived a life of craziness and honestly I crave structure.  And yet these days my days seem even nuttier than ever. I  said to someone “it’s a busy time of year”.  And they laughed.  I know, it’s always a busy time of year.  I get about two weeks off, maybe three, I take the week after the winter retreat and  a week after the Detroit Mission Trip.  The weeks off leading to those events are ridiculously tiring.

It is not surprising my love for Haiti if you’ve ever read anything I’ve written, and sometimes when I am spaced out just thinking… I’m probably thinking of Haiti. I dream of being in the sunshine, seeing all those beautiful faces, the smell of Haiti is crazy awesome.  Getting a mango off the trees, yum!  Sitting and spending beautiful time with God.  

And yet, when I stop and dream, I know that Haiti is not my end destination.  I love it and I believe it will always be a place that is part of my life, however, I know that someday, that community center will be a reality.  It will be a place where dreams are dreamt, and preparations are made to live those dreams.  I know that children will be loved there, and I feel like families will be restored.  Women (and probably men too) will learn to cook and provide for their families, gardens planted, food harvested.  Hope & love.

I don’t know how this will all work out, but when I do know is that God has great plans for my life, and I can’t wait to live them out.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105
