I am simply keeping in mind that life isn't about me and my goals and wants and my worries. I am here to fulfill His purpose for me, and my job is to keep my eyes open so I don't miss it. ~Sara Frankl, Gitzen Girl
I think I've learned to love greatest from my friends there. I've learned to not only be grace giving but grace receiving. And honestly it doesn't get better than that.
As I walked out of the church yesterday I thought "wow, I'm really gonna miss this place" and started to think about how it's not go. How am I going to start over? it's going to be difficult. Building relationships, finding that sweet spot of serving.
I haven't officially found a church but I have found one that feels like home. It seems weird to say and I'm still praying. There are two places I love so I'm praying for God to lead me.
It's harder than I thought to leave but I know it's the next step... And I must go where He leads.