You know that verse be slow to anger?
Here it is:
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. (James 1:19-20 NIV)
The truth is I'm not slow to do ANYTHING. Want something done? Give it to a busy person. Let's face it, I'm just this side of crazy and sometimes I'm the other side of crazy. I annoy myself!!
I know that sometimes it takes a can do, kick butt, and take names spirit to get it done, however sometimes I need to slow down and really think these through.
To be honest, I've been under a ridiculous amount of stress. And in those times, I slow down.
It's a small thing, the cost of the wood for the garden boxes doubled in one week. I have no idea. So I did what every normal person does, I "yelped" lumber yards. I actually found one that I knew that was in the city and its closer to the garden and the wood was a lot cheaper!!
I started to laugh, I thought about all the times my dad would tell me "slow down" when I was a kid and be upset. "Just slow down Margie". That always drove me crazy.
Slowing down has served me well. Helps me breathe easier, lead better, and feel better. There is a time when its "full steam ahead" but there are times I need to regroup.
Today, I'm breathing. And I'll steam ahead filling boxes with dirt! It's time to grow stuff!!!