Our city voted in the primary election yesterday. I voted!
And I was excited to vote (unlike the gross presidential election with
the two worst possible Republican & Democratic nominees – there was NO
winner for our country in that election).
When I was a young child, for as long as I can remember, my
dad took me to vote. Our district voted
at my elementary school. MacDonald
Elementary in Dearborn. I can remember being so proud of my school, I can
remember voting in a mock election to show me how the voting booths
worked. Always George Washington vs
Abraham Lincoln. It was fun for me!
You know what I regret about my daughter’s childhood? I didn’t
take her to vote with me. I was too
busy, the lines were long, you name the excuse, I made it, and I didn’t take
her. I never expressed the importance of it to her, she didn’t witness me
taking the time out of my day to complete the honor, even if I did it.
This was the first time I was able to vote in Dearborn. I
was so excited. I realize that I get excited about the smallest and silliest
This was an honor to vote in a city I love in a neighborhood I dreamed
of living. And my daughter voted. And
all the people I voted for made it to the election that will be held in
It’s an honor to vote and it makes me angry that more people
do not take it seriously. Especially the
young people (yes, apparently I am one of those old crochetty old people), they
have a voice, they need to use it for more than just talking!
Vote people. It’s your right. It’s an honor.