I’ve got mom jeans  

It’s true. 

I’m a complete dork.

I fully embrace who i am. 

Today i wrote a parents email about our youth Christmas party and i was so excited. No really. I was. When i cook I’ll pray over the kids and their families. When i feed them I’ll be happy about filling their bellies. We are having a white elephant exchange and i got all the gifts and as i shopped i thought of each student, i belly laughed at the thought of the boys getting make up (oh yes i did), i thought about how happy someone will be with the gift cards, footballs, and basketball. 

I’m not cool. No kid is ever gonna look at/to me as the cool one. And to be honest I’m ok with that. 

When i ask them what they want to be when they grow up (yes i do i told you... not cool) i smile and in my heart i scream “you can do it”

When i talk about Haiti and how i can’t even keep my gray clothes clean and they laugh i smile to myself and think... you’re so funny and you don’t even try. 

I got mom genes and Mom jeans 👖.

That’s ok though.

Because no one loves like a momma ❤️
