Where our treasure so is our heart.
I joined Dearborn racquet and health club this weekend. I’ve been praying about this for quite a while. I’ve been ready to make a change in my life for awhile.
I’ve been trying to figure out what gym to join. You’d think “just join planet fitness they are everywhere and cheap”
I think it’s great that planet fitness has made exercise accessible to so many but i know people who pay for years but never actually never go for months , and I’m not knocking them either I’m just saying for me, it’s got to be painful in my pocket book so I’m sure to go!
There also had to be a note of convenience because if it wasn’t I wouldn’t be able to go because like everyone else i have a crazy busy schedule even when I’m scaled back.
Add that i like machines and weights and classes.
I’m a complicated creature (like who didn’t know that?!?)
So that’s how i ended up at DRHC
I’m excited and i did two benchmarks. 20 min on elliptical and a 5k so i can track my progress each week.
Next i need to apply these same principles to dating (free dating apps 😂😂😂😂 and the results I, and others get)
And don’t even get me started about cheap crappy food!