Sometimes i get so overwhelmed by all the things i need to improve in my life. Health, home projects, finances...
sheesh it’s so much! Not to mention just the everyday of it all! I’ve been trying to make small changes. Gym 4-5 times a week, little projects at home. Can you tell me why is it so hard to get rid of stuff?? And why do i have so much of it?!?
So today when i got home i tackled some garage stuff and finished bringing up the laundry that i washed yesterday. Cleaned out my car (that’s a job allllll by itself).
I decided that i can’t live in chaos. So step by step I’ll make the proper changes.
I’ve also been listening to a financial podcast when i get ready at the gym (there’s never anyone else in the locker room). It’s been great! Nothing overwhelming just bits to chew on so i can change the way i think about money and how i spend (or don’t) it. Here it is:
Everyday a step in the right direction gets me a little closer to achieving my goals!