Why not share the love? 

I was thinking about the death of Aretha Franklin and how there has been an amazingly beautiful outcry of love for her.

It got me to thinking about how we don’t always  talk about people and how much we love them until they are dead. People who are posting about how much they loved Aretha... I’ve never heard them talk about her or post a song by her. Think of how many more people could have enjoyed her talent or been inspired by her.

I’ve been to funerals when people have said "she’ll never know how much he/shemeant to me". 

Why not? Why don’t we tell people.

If it take 7 (or 10 or whatever the number is) good things to out way one bad thing someone says then why aren’t we building people up all the time?!?!? 

I know for me it’s hard to take a compliment. I rarely got them as a child through my 20s. Maybe my life would have been different if people told me i had value or worth or that i wasn’t too "something". Maybe if i did, they’d be easier to accept now🤷🏼‍♀️.

Anyway. Tell people how much they mean to you. Everyday. While you can say it to them and they can learn to accept it, and let it be the light they carry 
