declutter challenge

Normally my life is so busy that I rush into the holidays and I barely enjoy them. It's task after task, maybe I throw in some fun here and there and enjoy the tree at the end of the night.

I decided to take this week off, it's the first time I've ever done this! I think this is a tradition I can get behind!

I'm in the middle of getting rid of 30 things in 30 days and I am well over 200 items!  I've straightened the pantry shelves that were taken out of the pantry room so that we could drywall the room.  Unfortunately due to the past months of insanity it just never got cleaned out and the shelves were in disarray.  I spent a few hours straightening those and cleaning the last of the things out of the room.  Just today I got rid of about 15 things.  It's freeing. The first time I did it, I struggled to find the items, but this time I planned and prepared.  I still had moments where I got stuck about giving up items but I got through it!

I never realized how much emotional connection I had with things.  Ugh. 

As I've gotten rid of things I've become freer and freer. 

As I have cleaned up and out my house, I feel like I'm preparing my house and preparing my heart for the holidays. 

I am preparing for the holidays and not rushing, I am hoping to really truly enjoy them this year.

How are you preparing for the holidays?
