Sometimes i want to run into the new year with great expectation, but this year seems so different.
I’m walking knowing God will do something. I’m walking confidently knowing.
The past year i have studied the character of God. I’ve learned who I am in relation to Him.
In all I’ve learned, it always comes back to one thing. I’m loved.
In a lifetime of feeling scared and fearful, i stand here knowing that God loves me and has always provided for me, and protected me.
I’ve seen people come and go only to discover that not everyone stays for good reason.
After this last year, I’ve learned i just want to be consistent. There is no need for crazy, there is a need for consistent generosity and love.
I don’t know what 2019 will bring. I know there is healing needed and freedom is coming.
Today i served at the Train Station (Roosevelt park) and today while making chili i cried and thought “what will happen when Ford moves in? What will happen to those that the world has forgotten?”
Today, just about an hour ago, i got the answer. The park will remain open to the public and those who have needs will find them met. And Ford donated a van :) to
My friends. And i just thought “of course God, because You never forget those who belong to You”.
So that’s how i know, that’s how i walk confidently, because i know God always remembers His people.
And i am His.