Choose wisely

Well friends getting healthy is not for the weak! 

I’ve struggled my whole life!  And don’t know what made me think this was going to be easier! 

I’m thankful for friends who encourage me, let me cry, and tell me that I’m too strong to quit! They remind me I’m worthy of the effort!!

I think I’m going to tAke the scale out of the bathroom so it won’t be a daily temptation! 

Probably PMSing but i have no idea when my period comes because of the ablation i had. So i can’t even track my crazy lol 

I’m telling you all this to say choose wisely. 

Choose wisely those in your life! 

Not everyone has earned the right to speak into your life.

I have a friend who always says one of the things she likes about me is that I’m genuine.

The definition:

 truly what something is said to be; authentic.
"each book is bound in genuine leather"
authentic, real, actual, original, pukka, bona fide, true, veritable, unfeigned, unadulterated, unalloyed;

The truth is you know where you stand with me and that’s a good thing.

And those are the kind of people i surround myself with.  Real. True. 

I want people who shoot it to me straight. 

It’s the best gift i can give myself!

So here i am friends. A little less crazy.

Also... planning a Women’s retreat with my friend Beckie in May. Pray about coming. It will be worth your time!
