Results !

This weeks scale didn’t reveal the hard work i put in this week!  

It’s frustrating but I’m not in this for the short game, I’m here for the long haul! (This ain’t putt putt people, this is the Masters!)

I wasnt going to report my weight in the app but i did. 

Integrity in this journey is for me. Not for anyone else!

To know i did what i needed to do and I’ll see the results. My pants already tell me I’m on the right track! It could be anything! Stress, hormones... 

There’s something about doing the right thing that brings my heart joy!  Because i know it will eventually bring results i want! I’ll be stronger, healthier, bolder, and ready to live/love my best life!

Also if you’re following my 5k journey - i signed up for 3 more yesterday! Another one in March, April, and May!!
