A lot of times i share the great things going on in my heart but the struggles i struggle through.
I have been working out 18 weeks and it’s part of my life, a part i love and ENJOY more than i ever thought i would if I’m being honest but somedays it’s hard ( like today) but i ate two paczki yesterday. And i know i can’t out run my fork but i know i need to be here.
The truth they were freaking delish and no food shame, i don’t even regret it! Most of the time i eat well, even a day of poor choices has limitations in portion size.
It’s not all or nothing. It’s everything in moderation except apparently for pacZki lol
It’s not always easy but it is always worth it!
I’m making small changes that will have large long term effects.
Goals. I got them and I’m moving towards them. And adjusting them as needed.