I really love cooking for others. Food and water are basic necessities in life, but love is needed too. When people eat something I've made, i want them to feel like they know they are loved.
Many of you know i serve at soup kitchens and missions, it's a joy of my life. It seems strange to me that more people don't, because really i meet the best people when I'm serving. One of my bestest friends became that way because we started serving together. I'll never forget the day she looked over to me at MBK when we were serving with a different group and said "do you think we can do this?" My answer was yes! Then it all began...
The gift of cooking for large groups of people has been the greatest gift to me. I've seen God show up in so many ways (like the time i prayed to serve pot roast and just days later i received roast for free). I've learned about my strengths and weaknesses and I've learned to ask for help.
I've got 100s if not thousands of stories from soup kitchens, some of them funny and some of them not. The people I've met are stitched in my heart and I'm thankful for them.