So the other day it was rainy and cold. I was looking at my flowers, and i had noticed that all the strawflowers closed. Even the "dead ones" that haven't seeded yet!
I thought "huh, isn't they interesting, God designed those flowers so well that they know to close when there is something that could endanger them.
And i checked a few days later when the weather was clear, sunny, and
crisp and the flowers were open again, ready for all that was ahead of them. Mostly showing off for me alllll their beauty.
I was thinking about a situation in my life that i had to close myself off of for my own protection. Not a physically dangerous but emotionally, for sure. It wasn't easy for me because i do like to live with my heart wide open. But in that one instance, it was best for me.
I feel like when i opened my heart up it felt stronger and more at peace than it had ever been.
It's so crazy to me the life lessons God shows me in my my garden.