Today i went out to the garden to start cutting the flowers back😭
There are lots of opinions of what should be done at the end of the season, and what I'll say to that, is so what works for you. For me, it's better for my mental health if i cut it back now.
As i was cutting back there was still some sweet flowers that weren't ready to give up for the season.
I went to Costco and got beautiful fall flowers.
but the flowers i picked from my garden, i cut and put the flowers in the bathroom. The flowers looked more like spring or summer flowers.
I was thinking about how sometimes our
Lives don't look like we expect or what others lives look like. And they aren't supposed to. Everyone has different experiences and that's what makes us beautiful - even in our brokenness.
I learn every time i am in the garden i learn a lesson. God whispers to me. I see the beauty of every flower and every life i encounter.
Today i went and dropped off a lunch to a young man who was sleeping behind a dumpster (don't worry, someone went with me) and it really broke my heart. You see, that young man, at some point, i hope someone looked at him and saw great potential, but today when i looked at him, he looked wore out. Yes, he was sleeping, but he just looked wore out. It made me so Sad. I thought about my friend Grady who used to pray before we'd serve at a soup kitchen - "let us be mindful that the people we are serving are made in Your image Lord, just as we were".this young man has a plan for his life, it might not look like everyone else's but he has a plan nonetheless.
The life in the garden makes me think of the life on earth. Always a lesson in beauty.